Antiklizne podloge – Lift Truck Co
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Antiklizne podloge

Fantastične antiklizne podloge

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Zašto su Vašoj kompaniji potrebne polimerne zaštite? 

  • Polimerne zaštite povećavaju nivo industrijske sigurnosti Vaše kompanije 
  • Nesreće izazvane prebrzom ili nepažljivom vožnjom viljuškara i ostalih logističkih sredstava značajno će se smanjiti. To će poboljšati kvalitet radne okoline koja će obezbediti potrebnu sigurnost Vaših zaposlenih 
  • U isto vreme, to će Vam pomoći da sprečite velike ekonomske gubitke uglavnom uzrokovane skupim popravkama viljuškara i obnovom oštećene infrastrukture 
  • Sprečavanje udara u tvrde i nefleksibilne prepreke i barijere povećava životni vek vozila 
  • Bićete u mogućnosti da optimizujete Vaše poslovne procese, a samim tim i povećate produktivnost

Antiklizne podloge


  • Strong performance: lifts up to 2 tonnes with a load centre of 500 mm
  • Effective movement of goods: driving speed of up to 20 km/h, dynamic driving behaviour and high lifting speeds
  • Performance Boost at the push of a button: Sprint mode for managing peak loads with the highest handling performance on the market
  • Consistently powerful: largest Li-Ion battery capacity and fast lateral battery change
    Always available: optional Li-Ion technology enables use around the clock through short interim charging


  • Comfortable sense of space: spacious driver’s cab with large footwell and ample storage space
  • Choose from a range of individual control options: multi-lever, minilever or Joystick 4Plus
  • Easy reversing: handle on the rear bar
  • Silent operation: exceptionally quiet lifting and lowering of the forks


  • Perfect all-round visibility: narrow mast and large windows on all sides
  • Outstanding driving stability: automatic speed adjustment when cornering with the Curve Speed Control assistance function
  • Safety through intelligence: The display and control units monitor and control all safety and performance functions
  • Maximum safety and reduced breakage of goods thanks to the Easy View mast


  • Adjustable driving modes: maximum handling performance or best efficiency
  • Adaptable driving behaviour: individual adjustment of driving speed, accelerating and lifting behaviour
  • Precise load handling: sensitive control of the lifting speed through state-of-the-art hydraulics operation
  • More handling performance when stacking onto high shelves: Mast vertical position at the push of a button


  • Powerful in the narrowest of spaces: compact truck dimensions and tremendous manoeuvrability
  • Outstanding manoeuvrability: combination axle for four-wheel trucks enables the smallest turning radius of its class
  • Low passage heights of less than 2 metres also optionally available even for wagon loading

Environmental Responsibility

  • Low energy consumption: high output efficiency through modern drive technology
  • Energy conservation at the push of a button: Blue-Q efficiency mode cuts energy consumption by up to 20 %
  • Environmental protection in practice: over 98 % of all installed materials are recyclable


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Volvo Excavators – “Pump It Up” feat. Dolph Lundgren

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Viljuskar STILL-skladisni, viljuskari, el staker ECV-10


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